Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rose Farm Gettysburg

I am going to add this image from 1863 to compare with the above image that I took in March 2012. I am including it so as to inform readers that are perhaps not familiar with this series of photographs.

Back in March I stopped of at Gettysburg.The photos above were shot in the Rose Farm field with a Holga 120 on Fuji Acros. The angles are roughly the same as the famous photos of Confederate dead awaiting burial. Photographed by by Alexander Gardner and crew, July 1863. Although it is quite extraordinary to be at this location and see exactly where this horrific set of photos were taken, I will refrain from republishing all of them here. If you are unfamiliar with them and need to see more. I recommend William Frassanito's book "Gettysburg a Journey in Time"

On a lighter note, I could not resist having my photo taken sitting on Alfred Waud's perch at Devil's Den. His beard was a lot thicker than mine!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful work!!! Love the soft lighting

